Bhushan Kumar’s 21-year-old cousin Tishaa Kumar passes away this year reportedly after a battle with cancer. Her death news was a shock for many. However, looks like her family, including parents Tanya and Krishan Kumar are still not able to cope with daughter’s death. Months after Tishaa’s demise, her mom Tanya has penned a long note and revealed cancer was not the cause of her death.
Tishaa Kumar did not dies due to cancer- mother Tanya reveals
Tanya Singh shared an adorable video with heartfelt note. It read, “How, What, Why’ A lot of people have been writing and asking me to tell what happened. Truth is subjective & relative to how one perceives it. When a pure innocent soul goes through injustice due to someone / some others bad doings, things get complicated and confusing & suddenly it’s too late! (sic),” she wrote.
Singh also criticised certain medical practices, describing them as “medical traps”. She also reflected on the impact of hidden forces such as the “evil eye” and “dark magic.” “No matter the business of medical (mis)diagnosis &(mal)practices ~ no matter if people out there don’t believe in ‘evil eye, dark magic, nazar,etc’ ~it’s irrelevant to the Truth, what anyone else thinks, coz no one else knows what you know & in time, the truth has its way of revealing itself & it shall (sic),” she wrote.
Tanya further clarified that her daughter was not even in depression at the time of her death. “My daughter TISHAA, no matter what went down, she never, not once gave in to fear or depression. She has been the bravest version of brave, the most fearless and cool 20-year-old ever🙏🏼.”
In her heartfelt post, Singh revealed, “The truth is that my daughter did not have ‘cancer’ to begin with. She had a vaccine at age 15-and-a-half, which possibly triggered an autoimmune situation, which was wrongly diagnosed. We were already sucked into the ‘medical trap’ before all this information found us (sic).”
Tanya Singh urges multiple medical opinion
Singh urged parents to seek multiple opinions when dealing with symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, explaining, “Lymph nodes are the body’s defence guards & they can also swell due to emotional trauma, etc, or due to a previous infection not treated fully (sic).”
Tishaa Kumar passed away on July 18, 2024 after her battle with prolonged illness. She was undergoing treatment in Germany.