Karan Johar, Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar had announced that they are collaborating on a film together – the one based on the Battle of Saragarhi. But months later, it was revealed that Salman won’t be a part of the ambitious film anymore.
There’s a lot of history behind his decision. A birdie informs, “When Karan went to Salman with the script, he decided to produce it on face value. It was just after the announcement that he realised that his good friend Ajay Devgn too is planning a film on the same topic. Everyone knows about the big Ajay-Karan feud and industry insiders also know how KJo is. He keeps gossiping behind people’s back and he played the game against Ajay rather well. When Salman got a hang of it, he immediately decided to take his name off the project.” (Also Read: Salman’s this picture with Ahil will make you go aww…)
“Recently, at an overseas awards function, when Karan met Salman in his hotel room, the superstar completely lost his cool and fired his shotgun at him,” adds the birdie. He accused Karan of manipulating him into signing the film, thereby ruining his relationship with Ajay.
“Karan has done it earlier as well and Salman is aware of those situations too. So he told Karan that he won’t be collaborating with him anymore,” the birdie signs off.
So if you are expecting Karan and Salman to come together again, your dream might just not come true. Kyunki ek baar bhai ne commitment kar di, toh woh aapne aap ki bhi nahi sunta!