‘Bharat’ actor Salman Khan will have to take Jodhpur Court’s permission for his every foreign trip reports ANI. The ruling came out today after his lawyers had submitted an application on August 3, in Jodhpur court.
The star’s application asked for an exemption from taking the court’s permission every time he leaves the country. Arguing that the trial will be over soon, public prosecutor PR Bishnoi opposed the actor’s application for exemption from travel permission.
The court was hearing Khan’s plea against his conviction by a trial court. The trial court had given the actor a five-year jail term for killing two blackbucks 20 years ago in Kankani village near Jodhpur.
Blackbuck poaching case: A Jodhpur court rules that actor Salman Khan will need to seek its permission every time he travels abroad. (File pic) pic.twitter.com/EBSjgvGKfQ
— ANI (@ANI) August 4, 2018
According to a report in NDTV, Salman Khan’s counsel Mahesh Bora had argued that Salman cannot be convicted in the Kankani case because similar evidence was rejected by the high court in his two other poaching cases. His lawyers further claimed that the actor was being framed with false evidences and witnesses.
In April this year, the Jodhpur court had pronounced its verdict over the 1998 blackbuck poaching case. While, actors like Saif Ali Khan, Tabu and Neelam Kothari were acquitted, Salman Khan was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. The actor had spent two days in jail before being granted a bail on April 7.
Now it has to be seen how the latest ruling affects the actor’s upcoming projects.
Also Read:VIDEO: Salman and SRK celebrate Sunil Grover’s birthday on the sets of ‘Dus Ka Dum’
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