An illegal ramp outside Shah Rukh Khan‘s bungalow ‘Mannat’, located in the upscale Bandra Bandstand area was demolished by civic authorities today. Shah Rukh Khan’s vanity van is often parked on the ramp. Residents allege that the ramp prevents access to a large part of the road, blocking the way to the Mount Mary Church.
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation had served a notice to the Badshah last week, they had given him a week’s time to remove the illegal structure.
It all started when BJP member Poonam Mahajan had written a complaint letter to Municipal Commissioner Sitaram Kunte about it.She cited that, the ramp constructed by “one bungalow owner” was causing “permanent obstruction to people accessing the public road”.
The letter further stated that, “The ramp is known to be used by the bungalow owner to park his private heavy motor vehicle. In view of the safety and convenience of citizens, I request you to undertake demolition of the illegal ramp.”
Shahrukh Khan at present is busy shooting for ‘Fan’.
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