Bollywood has decided to set May 16 as ‘D Day’, and will not be releasing any of its movies that day. The reason being on that day the results of the biggest elections results for choosing Indian government would be declared. Initially a few had eyed 16th May, but the moment it was announced that on this day the course of Indian political affairs would be decided, they all thought to move ahead.
As per sources, 16th May was chosen for Akshay Kumar’s ‘Fugly’, Sajid Nadiadwala’s ‘Heropanti’ and Himesh Reshammiya’s ‘The Xpose’. But Akshay to avoid clash with Sajid’s ‘Heropanti’ decided to move ahead. Then Himesh too moved ahead the release of his movie ‘The Xpose’ by a week and now it seems that Sajid too decided to bring Heropanti on 23rd May.
Sources further added that, elections would be held from 7th April to 12th May, the results would be announced on 16th May. “For Indians, there would be entertainment of a different kind once results come in. This time around, elections have created a lot of buzz through the entire country and it is near impossible that films would hold center-stage, at least on the day of results.”