Alia Bhatt had a fruitful 2017 with her film ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ co-starring Varun Dhawan been the highest grosses film of the year. The film made over 200 crore business at the box office and was termed as the best film of the actor’s career both professionally and critically. The actor now seems to have the same goal for the coming year. (Also Read: Watch: Alia Bhatt spotted with her friend at Pali Village café)
The actor is now all set to start shooting for director Ayan Mukerji’s next ‘Brahmastra’. The star after wrapping up the schedule of director Zoya Akhtar’s ‘Gully Boy’ which also stars Ranveer Singh is heading Bulgaria for the shoot of ”Brahmastra’. Alia took to her Instagram and shared a picture where she looks all set for the shoot. Here, have a look at the post :
Talking about the film, ‘Brahmastra’ will see Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor pair up for the first time on the silver screen. Interestingly, the two will be working for the first time with megastar Amitabh Bachchan in the film.
Reportedly, the film’s leading actors Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor on director Ayan Mukerji’s instructions were spending more time as Ayan wanted them to have a good on-screen chemistry.
The star cast of the film surely looks good and we are quite excited to see the film. ‘Brahmastra’ is slated to release in the year 2019.