Alia Bhatt, who made her debut with director Karan Johar’s ‘Student of the Year’ in 2012, has been ruling Bollywood since then. The actress has delivered power-packed performances in films like ‘Highway’, ‘Udta Punjab’, ‘Dear Zindagi’ and many more and has established herself as the numero uno actress of the tinsel town.
Today the actress celebrates her 25th birthday and will be celebrating this special day on the sets of her film. The ‘Shaandar’ actress is currently shooting in Bulgaria for director Ayaan Mukerji’s ‘Brahmastra’ which also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Ranbir Kapoor.
But in her short career of six years, Alia has also made it to the headlines for her alleged relationships. Alia was in a rock steady relationship with her ‘Kapoor and Sons’ co-star Sidharth Malhotra for almost five years before breaking up recently. Rumor has it that actors have parted ways and are not in touch anymore.
The actress has been allegedly going around with her ‘Brahmastra’ co-star Ranbir Kapoor. If sources are to be believed, the two actors have been spending quality time together off the sets and they have hit off quite well.
Recently in an interview with Hindustan Times, Alia Bhatt was asked on the rumors of her alleged relationship with Ranbir Kapoor doing rounds, and this is what Alia had to say. He quoted, “Even I get really confused when I read such things, but I strongly believe that ‘silence is golden’. It’s not as if I am never going to have a personal life. I will and I do have one, but I feel it’s called ‘personal’ for a reason. That’s why it will always stay close to me. I am fine; people can say whatever, as I don’t get much bothered by such stories. Maybe except when you feel something really random has been written. I just hope people don’t think that this is all I am doing in life.”
Well looks like Alia too is fed up with these speculations related to her love life doing the rounds and wants to be popular for her work and not for the gossips. (Also Read: Alia Bhatt teaches a lesson of a LIFETIME from Bulgaria, while posing in front of a graffiti)