Director Anurag Kashyap’s Christmas offering ‘Bombay Velvet’ is slowly building up its excitement. Yesterday the new look sported by the hero Ranbir Kapoor was released. Ranbir Kapoor plays Johnny Balraj who is a street fighter transformed into a tycoon in the movie. Earlier it was reported that Ranbir had a french beard for the film but now the actor has a new look and is seen sans the same. The actor was spotted in the new look while he was shooting in RK studios.
Today the first look of the gorgeous Anushaka Sharma was released. Anushka Sharma plays RK’s love interest “Rosie”. Anushka plays the role of an up coming nightclub singer at a club by the name of ‘Bombay Velvet’. Her character during the course of this film, develops a rivalry with an established singer played by Raveena Tandon.
Check out Ranbir Kapoor’s new look in Bombay Velvet below :