Bollywood’s blockbuster machine, actor Salman Khan, is busy shooting for his next Eid release ‘Tubelight’ in Manali. Recently, a leaked video from the sets of the movie has been going viral where Salman is seen rehearsing for a song. And now, we bring to you the latest picture clicked and shared by none other than director Kabir Khan in which the ace director has captured Salman in a thinking moment before giving a shot.
Kabir Khan has taken to his official Twitter handle to share the picture with everyone writing, “The moment before the shot @BeingSalmanKhan #Tubelight #Manali #behindthescenes.” [sic]
The moment before the shot @BeingSalmanKhan #Tubelight #Manali #behindthescenes
— Kabir Khan (@kabirkhankk) October 9, 2016
Also Read: THIS is the title of Salman Khan’s first song from ‘Tubelight’
We wonder what thoughts Salman is lost into!
‘Tubelight’ will see a Chinese actress named Zhu Zhu playing the female lead opposite Salman Khan. The film is slated to release during the festive season of Eid in 2017.
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Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.