No other film in the recent times landed into such deep controversy, like ‘Udta Punjab‘ did. After an uphill battle against the Central Board of Film Certification, the film was finally granted an ‘A’ certificate and Bombay High Court dismissed 88 out of 89 cuts given by CBFC. Just when we thought it would release with ease, an uncut version of the film got leaked on internet. Worse, it apparently looks like the censor copy and carries a watermark which says ‘For Censor’.
As soon as the news broke, people started throwing outrage towards the Censor Board. While we were simply wondering as to how on earth can a film’s censor copy be leaked, an official from CBFC has something to say about it.
“During examining, revising or re-screening, the DVD was brought by the filmmakers and taken back by them. At no point we had sole possession of the same. It could be leaked from a CD which was meant to be shown for censor purpose alone, but got leaked in transit,” one of CBFC tops told DNA.
“During committee screenings, producer’s representatives are always nearby. It is theoretically possible for CBFC to leak the movie, but then all five or nine members would be party to the crime. Not only unlikely, it is highly impossible,” another official said.
The makers have filed a cyber crime complaint and the process to remove the film from the internet is on. However, we are yet to know how it all happened.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.
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