Actress Bhumi Pednekar who made her debut with ‘Dum Laga Ke Haisha’ has impressed everyone with her acting abilities in the movie. But with her two releases in 2017 namely ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ and ‘Shubh Mangal Saavdhan’, the actress proved that she’s not one a movie wonder. The actress who has always chosen offbeat subjects is now all set to star in another project. (Also Read: Chambal: Sushant and Bhumi all set to kick-start the film’s shooting?)
Bhumi along with Sushant Singh Rajput is currently shooting in the interiors of Chambal in Madhya Pradesh for their next. The film which is tentatively titled as ‘Chambal’ is directed by Abhishek Chaubey. The film will also see Manoj Bajpayee in a pivotal role. Bhumi took to Instagram and shared pictures during her stay in Chambal. Here, have a look.
Bhumi’s co-star in the film Sushant Singh Rajput too uploaded pictures of Chambal during their stay.
Sushant and Bhumi are all set to play dacoits for the first time in their career. Bhumi will be Sushant’s love interest in the film.
This surely looks like an interesting pairing and we are excited about the film. Are you?