Bollywood new angry young man Arjun Kapoor, has gone for a complete makeover with his new movie ‘2 Sates’. The hunk was seen promoting the movie with his co-star Alia Bhatt, at a suburban Mumbai multiplex. Even as the film garnered the third-highest opening weekend collections for the year so far.
As per sources, Arjun Kapoor a self confessed mama’s boy, is now openly dispalying his tattoo on his right wrist. The actor had got himself inked earlier in the year. The tattoo which reads Maa in Hindi also has the number 8 — the numerological total of Arjun’s birth date (June 26). Arjun had lost his mother Mona Kapoor to cancer. He was very close to her.
Arjun Kapoor is quite happy with the response to 2 States. The trade buzz about the film is positive, what with no major release lined up over the next couple of weeks.
“2 States has a fantabulous weekend… super hit,” predicted trade analyst Taran Adarsh on Twitter about the film based on Chetan Bhagat’s novel of the same name.