Hrithik Roshan is much in news because of his upcoming period romance film ‘Mohenjo Daro.’ The film which is helmed by Ashutosh Gowariker will release next year in August. Recently, we had come across few pictures coming straight from the sets of this film wherein we saw Hrithik trying to fight a huge crocodile. This picture had created a havoc on social media as the Greek God was trolled for fighting with a plastic crocodile. This led to some fight between the makers and star who urged to re-shoot this scene to make it look real. But, the makers didn’t oblige to his demand leaving the star unhappy with the makers.
After that, a new picture of Hrithik Roshan from the shoot of the same film has gone viral on the net. Hrithik, in his villager look, seems to be deeply engrossed in his character. Hrithik was snapped at Film City where an artificial set has been created for the film according to the reports. Clad in a dhoti and a vest Hrithik sported a vest Hrithik sported a very rustic look. His look is almost the same like those of the previous pictures from the film.
Along with Hrithik Roshan, actress Pooja Hegde would be seen in the lead role. Pooja Hegde, winner of Miss India 2009, is making her debut opposite Hrithik in ‘Mohenjo Daro.’ It would be interesting to see the chemistry between the two. For Hrithik too, it’s a special film as he is making a comeback to the silver screen after a decent break. He was last seen in ‘Bang Bang’ which released in 2014.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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