Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor is quite active on social media. The actor has often found himself in hot waters all thanks to his controversial tweets. But he never paid heed to his haters and has been expressing his opinions fearlessly even now.

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Recently his take on the much-talked-about Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet in Singapore has brought a smile on the faces of many. The ‘102 Not Out’ actor tweeted, “Salute to a (33)year old Korean getting an American President(71 years) meeting. Kim, you have b****! Trump, Happy Birthday(14th June)from Stormy Daniels and me! USA, when you elect a Clown, expect a Circus! YO”

Check out his tweet here:


As per reports, U.S. President Donald Trump said a historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Tuesday had gone “better than anybody could have expected”, and they would sign a document following talks on ways to end a nuclear standoff on the Korean peninsula.

Image Source - indiatimes

Kim stood silently alongside Trump as he spoke to media and said, “A lot of progress – really very positive. I think better than anybody could have expected. Top of the line, very good. We’re going now for a signing.”(Also Read: Rishi Kapoor’s social drama, ‘Rajma Chawal’ to release on this date)

On the work front, Rishi Kapoor will next be seen in ‘Rajma Chawal’ and ‘Mulq’.