Of late, comedian Kapil Sharma has not been in the best of his phase. We heard the stories of how he cancelled the shooting with Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma as he had to be rushed to hospital, because of his bad health. Then apparently even the team ‘Mubarakan’ was kept waiting for really long to shoot as Kapil was not in pink of his health. Reports are rife that the comedian is suffering from depression, due to the falling TRPs of his show. Latest, we heard that he cancelled the shoot with Arjun Rampal who wanted to promote his upcoming film ‘Daddy’ on the show. But shutting all these rumours, Arjun, this morning, took to his Twitter handle to inform that he did shoot with Kapil and there was no cancellation.
He tweeted, “GM,woke up smiling. Actually laughing guess it’s the hangover from @KapilSharmaK9 and the fun we had shooting #kapilsharmashow #Daddy.” [sic]
With this all the rumours can be put to rest.
Talking about ‘Daddy’, it is a biopic on gangster-turned-politician Arun Gawli. Arjun would be essaying the role of the gangster himself, who is currently serving his jail term in Nagpur jail. He is expected to be out on parole in the month of September and that’s when the film would release. Directed by Ashim Ahluwalia, ‘Daddy’ is slated to release on September 8, 2017. Going by the trailer, this film surely looks promising. We haven’t seen Arjun in such an intense avatar before. We hope this film lives up to our expectations. (Also Read: Arun Gawli had his own inputs in ‘Daddy’, reveals Arjun Rampal)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.