Salman Khan was given a respite in his ‘Hit & Run’ case by the session court. The court rejected the plea filed by social activist Santosh Daundkar seeking to intervene and help the prosecution in the trial. The Judge said that only the aggrieved and the complainant or witness had a right to intervene.
Daundkar’s other plea of seeking transfer of his complaint from magistrate court to sessions court about perjury action against Salman and police for allegedly producing wrong witnesses in this case due to which it was delayed was also rejected.
As per sources, Salman Khan’s plea regarding the media to give a fair and true proceedings to public and not to defame him was postponed to October 15. Reason given was that Sallu had already moved the High Court for it. As the matter was pending in High Court, the sessions court did not give any ruling on the actor’s plea.
Well a small victory for the Dabangg Khan but nevertheless a victory.