Salman Khan trial on the Hit&Run case started on September 6, but the session court has reserved order on three applications that have been filed.
Advocate Abha Singh has applied for the applications wanting to intervene in the trial.
The second application is of Abha Singh in which again she is asking for the miscellaneous application-regarding the case had been delayed earlier due to the police who were not getting the witnesses to the court. She said that she has a right to intervene and can make written submission to the public prosecutoe and assist him. The third application is of Salman Khan’s for a fair media coverage
Judge SD Deshpande while hearing the arguments said that the scope of the intervener is limited in a criminal trial to written notes of argument and not more than that.
Salman Khan’s lawyer Shrikant Shivde alleged that Abha Singh is only using the platform to defame Salman and if she is allowed in the trial, Salman Khan will not get a fair trial. “They are not interested in justice. They have been giving number of interviews to media. If this application is allowed, then 100 people will come in. Today we should have been examining witness, but we are wasting time on this application.”
The court has kept Sept 24 as the date for passing an order in all these three applications.