Actor Ranveer Singh says that co-star Deepika Padukone is special to him, but at the same time maintains that they are “just friends”. The 28-year-old actor, however, said he is currently single and “ready to mingle”. Since the time Ranveer and Deepika started working on the romantic drama film ‘Ram Leela’, they have been often seen together and there are speculations about their relationship.
As per sources, Ranveer Singh confessed, “Deepika holds a special significance in my life. She is somebody I respect and admire a lot, somebody whom I have grown close to. She is an awesome person, she is somebody for whom I have great amount of admiration. We are friends. We go out and hang out. I go out and hang out with lot of other people as well, but they are not as famous as her… she is a very cool person to hang out with, I thoroughly enjoy her company.”
The actor further added, “I am usually a fun loving person and I say most of the things in a jest. Sometimes I get in trouble, but over a period of time, I think people now realise that most of the things I say are in jest. They are used to it.”
Ranveer we think that there is no smoke without fire.