Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan are officially all set to reunite on-screen after Piku. Deepika and Amitabh were loved as the father-daughter duo in Piku and now they will create that same magic on-screen once again. The stars will be seen in the Hindi remake of the Hollywood movie The Intern. The Intern originally starred Anne Hathway and Robert Di Nero; Deepika and Amitabh will be reprising these characters. Originally Rishi Kapoor was going to be part of this movie, but unfortunately, he passed away last year. So Big B has been called on board and the fans are excited.
Deepika took to her Instagram account and sharing the first look of The Intern, she wrote, “What an absolute honour to be collaborating with one of my most special co-star again!? Welcoming @amitabhbachchan to the Indian adaptation of #TheIntern.(sic)”
Big B also took to his Instagram account and sharing the news he wrote, “One more time .. Indian Adaptation of #TheIntern.(sic)”
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Deepika’s husband Ranveer Singh was over the moon as he left a comment that read, “Love it ! AB and DP together are simply magic !!! ????“, Hrithik Roshan wrote, “One of my fav films ?,” and Navya Nanda was all cheer for her grandfather.
The remake will be directed by Amit Ravindernath Sharma and produced by Sunir Kheterpal and Deepika. The movie will release in the summer of 2022.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates.
Also Read: The Intern: Amitabh Bachchan to replace Rishi Kapoor in this Deepika Padukone starrer?