Bollywood’s leggy beauty Deepika Padukone is quite close to her family. Quite often, she takes time off from her busy schedule to spend some quality time with them. At present, she is on a vacation with her family. A tangy twist to this vacation is that this time, there will be a bout of cooking involved too, as Deepu along with her sister Anisha has enrolled for a week-long Italian cooking course in Tuscany, Italy.
As per a popular daily, “Deepika and Anisha are leaving for the course this week. They had made this plan a while back. Despite having a packed schedule, Deepika has kept her promise to her sister. The two grew up in Bengaluru, and they often tried their hands at making dishes together.”
Sources further added, “They both are usually busy with their respective careers. Anisha has made a name for herself on the golf circuit, while Deepika focuses all her energy into her movies. So, they both decided to take this getaway together. Also, it has been long since Deepika spent quality time with her family. So, she asked her team for some days off from everything else to be able to do this with Anisha.”
Deepika has wrapped her Hollywood debut film ‘xXx: The Return of Xander Cage’ that stars Vin Diesel in the titular role. She will start preparing for her next as soon as she returns from her vacation.