Deepika Padukone has swept away most of the awards this year. The beauty has proved why she is called the reigning queen of Bollywood as her recent historical romance ‘Bajirao Mastani’ too went on to be a hit. At present the beauty is busy with her international film with Hollywood superstar Vin Diesel, the upcoming action thriller ‘xXx: The Return of Xander Cage’.
Recently Dippy’s co-star Diesel shared a picture on his social networking account. The two talented actors are seen embracing each other and they truly sizzle on it. The chemistry shared by the actors is truly deadly.
Vin posted,
Posted by Vin Diesel on Monday, March 28, 2016
xXx: The Return of Xander Cage, the third film in the xXx series, also stars Nina Dobrev, Donnie Yen and martial arts expert Tony Jaa. The film is scheduled for a 2017 release.
How excited are you to see Deepika Padukone and Vin Diesel, together on the big screen? Do let us know.
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut outstanding but wish Deepika Padukone had won : Bhansali
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