Actor Deepika Padukone is busy fulfilling her professional commitments and has been often clicked at the airport as she jets of for work. It was a few days ago that the Pathaan actress was spotted at Mumbai airport. Later, an in-flight video of her travelling by economy class went viral on the internet. A fan now took to his Instagram to share details from his sweet encounter with the Pathaan actress at the Los Angeles airport. He even hailed Deepika as ‘Queen Dee’.
Fans calls Deepika Padukone ‘super friendly’ as he recalls his airport encounter
Taking to his Instagram, a fan shared a selfie of him and his mother with the Pathaan actress. He mentioned how he met with Deepika at the Los Angeles airport, after a 16-hour long journey and he had a ‘quick interaction’. The fan mentioned that Padukone was ‘super friendly and extremely nice’.
Sharing the photo, in the caption, the fan wrote, “What an ending to a family trip. Many of you have been asking about this so here it goes. My mom went ‘that’s someone!’ And I said yeah that someone is Deepika Padukone!“
The fan shared how the actress started the conversation with his mom and him, asking them about the flight. He wrote, “Deepika started the convo and asked if we had a good flight. I congratulated her on Pathaan and she said ‘that’s so sweet, thank you’. We said safe travels and she said ‘you as well, and it was nice to meet you’.”
In the caption further, the fan said that Deepika was, “Super friendly and extremely nice even with a quick interaction.” He added, “Despite a 16-hour journey, she was so willing to meet with her fans. Exactly what you would imagine Queen Dee (Deepika) to be.”
Several other fans of the actress reacted to the post on Instagram. One user wrote, “Ugh she’s so gorgeous,” while another called Deepika a “sweetie“.
Deepika at the airport
When clicked at Mumbai airport, Padukone looked spectacular in an orange jumper and a jacket. She even donned black sunglasses and opted for boots. The actress also carried with her a mini handbag clutch. Deepika was clicked at the Mumbai airport on Sunday, February 12.
Meanwhile, apart from basking in the success of her movie Pathaan co-starring Shah Rukh Khan and John Abraham, Deepika has started filming for her movie Fighter. She has the movie Fighter, also directed by Siddharth Anand.
On the work front, Padukone has the film Fighter. She even has The Intern and Project K in her kitty.