Bollywood’s leading lady Deepika Padukone is currently going through a purple patch. Recently she featured on the cover of an international magazine which touted the actress as a global star, as they hailed World’s most successful and popular actresses. While Deepika Padukone was an obvious choice for the feature, the magazine also acknowledged her fame by gracing her on the cover and touting her as the highest paid actress in India.
The actress has time and again proved her worth not just in India but internationally too. Adding another feather to her cap, Deepika Padukone unveiled her prestigious claim to fame, the Madame Tussauds wax statue at London, apart from featuring on the cover of Vogue US as the global talent.
Apart from her success in the movies, she also has some of the most lucrative endorsement deals currently, which significant value to her stock. With her next film ‘Chhapaak’ the actress has also turned producer and is all set to conquer that segment too.
The first look of Deepika Padukone in ‘Chhapaak’.
After the tremendous success of her last outing ‘Padmaavat’, Deepika also married Ranveer Singh in November 2018.
The ‘Bajirao Mastani’ actress is currently gearing up for her first production ‘Chhapaak’. The film is based on the life of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal. Deepika believes the story needs to be told and has bankrolled her maiden production to put forth a strong, brave, courageous and independent female character.
‘Chhapaak’ is being directed by Meghna Gulzar and will be releasing on January 10, 2020.
Stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble for all the latest news and updates.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s first ad post marriage is breaking the internet- watch video
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