Deepika Padukone made a special appearance at the concert of Diljit Dosanjh in Bengaluru, and a video featuring her mother, Dua Singh Padukone, quickly went viral on social media. The event is part of Diljit Dosanjh’s highly anticipated Dil-Luminati Tour. The actress and singer posted a collab post a couple of hours back. They captioned it, “Queen @deepikapadukone On DIL-LUMINATI TOUR IN BENGALURU Year 24.”
Deepika Padukone joins Diljit Dosanjh’s concert
In the viral clip, Deepika Padukone enjoyed the popular track “Lover” by Diljit Dosanjh swaying to the catchy beats and having a great time. DP fans were left super excited on Friday night when the actress was spotted at Diljit Dosanjh’s Bengaluru show.
Deepika Padukone even joined Diljit Dosanjh on stage and danced briefly too. While several videos of the actress from the concert go viral on social media, a new video shows her teaching a sentence in Kannada to Diljit. The singer repeated after her as the crowd cheered for the two.
After his Kannada lessons from Deepika, Diljit praised the actress and thanked her for participating in his show. “Kitna payara inhone kaam kiya hai. Humne inko bade parde par dekha hai. Kabhi socha na tha ki itni paas se dekhne ko milenge. Itne pyaare aur apne dum pe jinhone jagah banai hai Bollywood mein (She has done such lovely work. I’ve seen her on the big screen. I never thought I would be able to see her from so close. Such lovely work and she made her own mark in Bollywood, all by herself),” he said.
“Itna accha, payara kaam kiya hai. Aap sab ko faqr hona chahiye, hum sabko faqr hai. Bohut bohut pyaar. Aap humare show pe aayi bohut bohut shukriya ma’am (You have done such amazing and lovely work. All of us should be proud, and all of us are proud of you. Much love. You came to our show; thanks a lot for that). Thank you,” the singer added.
Diljit Dosanjh stops at Rameshwaram Cafe
Diljit Dosanjh also made a memorable pit stop at the famed Rameshwaram Cafe during his tour. A video shared by Team Dosanjh on Instagram showcased his journey, starting from his departure at the Punjab airport to his arrival in Bengaluru. Upon landing, he headed straight to Rameshwaram Cafe, where he relished their renowned ghee podi idli from his car, followed by a crispy dosa and a traditional filter coffee.
Earlier this month, Diljit delivered an electrifying performance in Kolkata as part of the same tour. While his concert was a hit, it was his speech about Kolkata’s passion for cricket and his admiration for Shah Rukh Khan’s Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) that truly captivated the audience. He praised KKR’s iconic slogan, “Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo Re,” emphasizing its message of hard work and teamwork. “It’s a beautiful slogan, especially since it’s Shahrukh Khan Sir’s team. I am a huge fan of him. This message reminds us all to give our best and work together,” he shared during his performance.
The Dil-Luminati Tour is set to continue, with upcoming concerts in Indore on December 8, Chandigarh on December 14, and Guwahati on December 29.