The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) who has been interrogating the drug nexus in Bollywood, has raided actor Deepika Padukone’s manager Karishma Prakash’s residence in Mumbai on Tuesday. As per a report in Republic TV, the NCB has seized nearly 1.8 gms of Hashish from her residence.
ANI’s report states, “Karishma Prakash (Deepika Padukone’s manager) has been summoned for investigation tomorrow: Sameer Wankhede, Zonal Director, Narcotics Control Bureau, Mumbai”.
Karishma Prakash (Deepika Padukone’s manager) has been summoned for investigation tomorrow: Sameer Wankhede, Zonal Director, Narcotics Control Bureau, Mumbai
— ANI (@ANI) October 27, 2020
Reports state that Karishma is currently ‘untraceable’, and a notice has been pasted on the door of her residence. She was questioned last month by the NCB after the WhatsApp messages between Deepika Padukone and her came into light.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) retrieved Rhea Chakraborty’s WhatsApp messages in which she was allegedly discussing drugs with her friends. Later, Deepika, Karishma, and other celebs like Sharddha Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan and Rakul Preet Singh were also summoned by the NCB.
In the chats, Deepika was seen asking her manager for ‘maal’ and ‘hash,’ to which Karishma had replied that she has it home. The chats were from their group called ‘DP+Ka+KWAN’, where Deepika Padukone was the admin.
Stay tuned for more updates on this.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone clarifies to the NCB what the words ‘hash’ and ‘maal’ meant in her WhatsApp chats