The newlywed, Deepika Padukone recently revealed her honeymoon and birthday plans with hubby Ranveer Singh. DeePee was here at an award function, where she interacted with the media for the first time after her marriage. Here’s what the dimpled beauty had to say…
When asked about her views on Ranveer Singh’s upcoming film, ‘Simmba’, the ideal wife, Deepika said, “It’s a signature Rohit Shetty film and I have had the pleasure of working (in the film ‘Chennai Express’) with him in creating one of my most memorable characters. But having said that, ‘Simmba’ is on its way to becoming a blockbuster. I think it has success is written all over it“.
Further, when we asked the newlywed about her honeymoon plans and her birthday celebrations, Deepika said,” We are just focused on the release of the film ‘Simmba’ as of now. We will figure out honeymoon and birthday plans all after that”.
Deepika Padukone was here at the Kids Choice Awards 2018, where she spoke her heart out. The newlywed actress looked charming on the red carpet, as she carried a red-hot embroidered dress for the event.
As Deepika Padukone’s birthday is on 5th of January, and Ranveer will be free from his ‘Simmba’ promotions by then; we can definitely assume that the couple is planning for something big.
Talking about her upcoming film, Deepika Padukone is currently prepping for a Meghna Gulzar’s untitled film. It is based on the real-life story of an acid attack survivor, Laxmi Agarwal.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh says he is working towards becoming a millennium husband
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