In 2018, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh tied the knot in a dreamy destination wedding at Lake Como in Italy. Ever since then the couple has been making us swoon over their adorable love story. The couple had tied the knot as per Konkani and Sindhi traditions. And later hosted a series of grand wedding receptions for their industry friends and colleagues.
It’s been more than two years, but DeepVeer’s wedding pics still continues to make headlines. Yes, a few unseen pictures from the couple’s Konkani wedding has gone viral on the internet. And we bet you must not have seen them yet.
Deepika and Ranveer’s destination wedding in Italy was an extremely private affair. So much so, that when even a small glimpse from their wedding makes it to the internet, it goes viral in no time. DeepVeer’s fan clubs have now posted a few unseen pictures from their Konkani wedding rituals.
In the new viral pictures, dressed in traditional South Indian attires, both the leggy beauty and the handsome actor are looking resplendent. They are seen posing for pictures by toasting a glass of champagne. And their swag is unmissable. You can check out the new viral pics below:
Here are another set of pictures where the couple is seen arriving at the venue in a boat.
Deepika and Ranveer’s wedding ceremony was a heavily gaurded affair. Press wasn’t invited and no one was allowed to click any pics. It was only when the actors’ dropped pictures on their respective social media handles that everyone got a glimpse of their Big Fat Indian wedding.
On the work front, Ranveer and Deepika will be seen sharing screen space once again in Kabir Khan’s upcoming sports drama ’83.
Also Read: Ranveer Singh drops dashing pics; wifey Deepika Padukone leaves a flirty comment
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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