The newlyweds Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh had a dream fairytale wedding in Italy. The first day of the wedding festivity saw, DeepVeer entering the matrimonial knot in South Indian ‘Konkani’ style. The second day will see the wedding being performed according to Sindhi customs and rituals.
Now, Wikipedia wasted no time and updated the bio of both Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. That was quick, wasn’t it? In the spouse category of Wikipedia, respective spouse’s names of the actors were added.
The ‘Bajirao Mastani’ duo by all accounts had a blast on Mehendi and Sangeet ceremonies. The decision to keep the ceremony private and intimate was a mutual decision.
The family of the bride and groom also had a hearty time in the marriage. Deepika’s sister Anisha Padukone changed her social media handle to #Ladkiwale. The union of North meets South had a lasting effect on the proceedings. Now, after the wedding, there will be two separate receptions in Bengaluru and Mumbai.
The wedding at Italy’s Lake Como is a perfect setting for this lovebird. We wish this newlywed couple nothing but happiness and have a prosperous married life ahead.
For more updates on their grand wedding stay tuned.
Also Read: Amul wishes newlywed Deepika-Ranveer with a cute animated cartoon, view picture
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