Deepika Padukone is currently raising the flag of India and Indian film industry high at the ongoing International Cannes Film Festival 2022 by being one of the jury members at this year’s edition, with even husband Ranveer Singh joining her there for a few days. Everyday the actress is serving some major fashion and style goals with her outfits and looks but today she shared a behind the scenes footage from her make up room and it has to be one of the sweetest and most fun things ever.
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Collating her experiences from Cannes in these media, Deepika shared a video which starts with her yelling, ‘Don’t give me that stupid bird that makes noise.’ Soon the context is given with a 48 hours ago flashback that sees Deepika being a subject of a prank as she is given a noisy bird toy as a gift. But the excitement and happiness on the actress’ face as she gets her ‘real gift’, a big packet of chocolate, is just so relatable. The way she says, ‘this is not the best gift of the day or the week or the month, it’s the best gift of the decade,’ is just too cute.
Deepika Padukone even shared her chocolates with the entire team and the victorious expression on the face of Ranveer Singh is just so him. The entire mood of the whole video is just too fun and it became all the more sweet as Ranveer sat in Deepika’s lap while calling himself her ‘present for today’, while she calls him her ‘trophy’. These two are surely the most adorable couple.
Check out the video here:
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Meanwhile, Deepika is at the Cannes 2022 for the time being as the festival culminates on May 29, whereas Ranveer returned to India the other day, just in time to celebrate Karan Johar’s 50th birthday yesterday in the city. His video of dancing on the DJ table just screams him and his colourful jacket for the night was just perfect for his signature style.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone blooms like a flower as she twirls in a beautiful floral dress at Cannes 2022