Salman Khan‘s next film with Kabir Khan has already grabbed a lot of eyeballs well before its release, all thanks to the veering of thoughts over the female lead in the film. So far, it was Deepika Padukone who was being said to feature opposite Mr. Bhaijaan in this film called ‘Tubelight’, but for some reason, DP is said to have opted out of the project. Now, the whispers are being heard in tinsel town that this film has landed up in Katrina Kaif’s kitty.
If reports are to be believed than directed Kabir Khan has approached Katrina Kaif to star opposite Salman in ‘Tubelight’. We were already aware that some kind of an association between Salman and Katrina is on the cards, but Katrina being roped in for this project has come as a delightful surprise to all. Salman, Katrina and Kabir had teamed up for 2012’s hit film ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ and the film had been a record breaker at the box-office. ‘Tubelight’ seems to take forward this success provided Salman and Katrina share the screen space as there’s no official confirmation made by the makers.
Meanwhile, talking about Deepika’s exit from the film, it is being said that DP had asked for a meaty role in the film so that she does not get side-lined by Salman’s performance, but it seems director Kabir was in no mood to make any changes to the script.
Well, someone’s loss is definitely someone’s profit!
Also Read: Salman Khan chooses Jacqueline Fernandez over Katrina Kaif ?
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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