Deepika Padukone on Thursday shared a video on her Instagram, from her workout session with Katrina Kaif. The actress dropped a video of her hanging by a ceiling. She is performing aerial Yoga at the gym. Deepika Padukone said Katrina Kaif is ‘upto no good’ filming her as she works out in the gym, in the video on Instagram.
The video shared by the Pathaan actress shows her hanging in a Yoga hammock in blue. Her face is not visible in the video. However, Deepika mentioned she is ‘working really hard in the gym’. The actress shared the video and mentioned Katrina was shooting the clip.
Sharing the video, Deepika wrote, “Me working really hard in the gym! Meanwhile, @katrinakaif upto no good (film camera icon) me…” Reacting to the same post, in the comments, Ishaan Khatter wrote, “The mummy returns.” Varun Dhawan commented, “Hahahaa.”
Take a look at the post below:
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Taking to the comments section of the post, one user wrote, “OMG we need a picture together with katrina please!” Another user commented, “OMG You and Kat,” followed by a lovestruck emoji. In the comments, a third fan of Deepika’s said, “What you and KAT?!?? like this is gonna break internet.” And, a fourth one expressed excitement and wrote, “The kinda diwali post we crazens are blessed with!”
On the work front, Katrina Kaif is gearing up for the release of Phone Bhoot. The movie also features Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi. She even has Tiger 3 with Salman Khan and Merry Christmas, in the pipeline. Katrina also is to feature in the Farhan Akhtar directorial Jee Le Zaraa.
Work-wise, Deepika Padukone has the movie Pathaan with Shah Rukh Khan in the pipeline. She even has Project K and The Intern. Apart from that, she will kick-start work on Fighter with Hrithik Roshan, soon.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone and Mahesh Babu to team up for SS Rajamouli’s next – REPORT