Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is going through a purple patch in her career. The actress in 2018 tied the knot with Ranveer Singh in the picturesque setting of Italy’s Lake Como. Now, Deepika has begun shooting for Meghna Gulzar’s ‘Chhapaak’. A new video of Deepika from the sets of ‘Chhapaak’ has surfaced online, where she is donning a school uniform. Yes, you have read it right!
In a new video which is going viral, Deepika is seen sporting a school uniform and chatting with a friend whilst eating roadside junk. It looks like, Deepika is shooting for Laxmi’s younger days. For those who are unaware, ‘Chhapaak’ is based on the life of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal.
Check out the video here:
‘Chhapaak’ is about overcoming tragedy and hardships and turning them into opportunities. Laxmi Agarwal (recently, at an event) spoke about the film and said, “The movie is a slap on everyone’s face who thought they could ruin my life post the attack”.
Deepika Padukone has always spoken on relevant issues and with ‘Chhapaak’, she is also turning producer for the first time. The ‘Padmaavat’ actress has come a long way in her career since her debut in 2007.
‘Chhapaak’ also stars Vikrant Massey and it is slated to release on January 10, 2020.
Stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble for all the latest news and updates.
Also Read: Laxmi Agarwal on Deepika Padukone’s ‘Chhapaak’: It will be a tight slap on the attacker
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