Deepika Padukone in YJHD

Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani has minted Rs 62.11 cr in its opening itself ,this has led to Deepika Padukone expressing that it is unbelievable  for it  has surpassed their expectations.


As per information,the movie team was expecting it to  do well, due to the promos and the peppy numbers, Deepika revealed “,Somewhere we started feeling it when we were promoting last week – there was a massive buzz. It was a great feeling.People today are aware of box office and how much it is going to do. We were expecting it to collect a certain figure, but the collection has surpassed our expectation. It is a feeling we can’t even explain.”

Well Deepika we hope to see more of you and Ranbir together again in many such movies.