Bollywood’s ruling diva, Deepika Padukone went live on Instagram and connected with her fans. The ‘Ram-Leela’ actress opened up on her films, marriage and her loyal fans in a candid chat. She even revealed how she said yes to Meghna Gulzar for ‘Chhapaak’ within five minutes of the narration. The stunning beauty also shared some amusing anecdotes.
The ‘Piku’ star was asked about her many achievements in the last year – be it the success of her film ‘Padmaavat’ or being part of TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential List. She was also featured by Forbes magazine in the top 5 richest Indian celebrities list. Deepika Padukone was the only female actress to be in the top 5 of the list. Deepika shared that when she received an official email about it, she was so surprised that she thought it was a prank. She revealed that her team confirmed it to make sure that the news was real. Deepika credited that her work and remuneration in ‘Padmaavat’ helped catapult her into the top.
Deepika began the year with a bang with the magnum opus ‘Padmaavat’. As her film Padmaavat entered the 300 crore club earlier this year, Deepika became the only actress to have shouldered a woman-led film to the coveted club. Deepika is not only the highest paid actress in Bollywood currently, but also the most commercially viable actress.
On the work front, Deepika Padukone is gearing up for ‘Chhapaak’ that is based on the true story of acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal. It will be directed by Meghna Gulzar. The movie will be co-produced by Deepika Padukone.
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