On Monday, the Madras High Court heard a medical report filed by Vairamuthu Raju (dean, Government Rajaji Hospital) and Meenakshi Sundaram (Prinicipal, Madurai Medical College), as part of actor Dhanush‘s parental dispute.
This year February, R Kathiresan and Meenakshi, an elderly couple, claimed that Dhanush was their son and was born on November 7, 1985 at Government Rajaji Hospital. They further accused Dhanush of producing a fake birth certificate and also demanded that the actor helps them with a monthly amount of Rs 65,000. As per their claim, there were birthmarks on the actor’s body which would undoubtedly prove he was their son.
The medical report states that no such birthmark was found on Dhanush’s body. (Also Read: Dhanush’s wife Aishwaryaa gets trolled after her ‘funny’ dance at the UN)
“Dhanush was examined in daylight and also using torchlight without using any eraser and only water and spirit”, the report reads, adding that ‘there was no mole over his left collar or scar in his left elbow”.
However, it acknowledges possibilities of a mole being removed artificially, while stating that a small mole was removed through laser technique.
“It was possible to remove a small superficial mole completely, but not a scar using even plastic surgery. At the most, its size can only be reduced,” it added.
The matter has now been posted to March 27 for a further hearing. Kathiresan, the man who claims to be Dhanush’s father, has also demanded a DNA test for the truth to be revealed.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.