One time Bollywood’s most famous heartthrob Bobby Deol is now nowhere to be seen. We hardly get to see the glimpse of this star, who once ruled the box office. His Bollywood career climbed the ladder of success in no time but soon Bobby had to face the downfall and this is what his dad Dharmendra paji is worried about.
According to the sources, Bollywood’s Veru is bothered with his son’s missing act. Sources say, “Dharamji is very worried about Bobby’s career. He was doing well, and all of a sudden he is in oblivion.” We last saw Bobby Deol in the second installment of Deol’s family drama ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana 2,’ since then Bobby seems to be hibernating and is nowhere to be seen.
But well, there are chances that we might get to see Bobby once again on silver screen. Worried father Dharmendra paji and eldest son Sunny Deol, together are planning to come up with a film to revive Bobby’s acting career. A source says, “Dharamji and Sunny Paaji are now planning a film especially for Bobby. This will start immediately after Sunny’s Ghayal Once Again is released.
Bobby Deol has been a part of blockbuster films like ‘Badal,’ ‘Gupt,’ ‘Humraaz’ and many more. It would be great to see him once again on the big screen.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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