Dhoom 3 is setting records as within a day it had collected more than 36 crores, but now after two days it has garnered around Rs69.58 crores. Combining the Hindi , Telugu and Tamil version. The movie that was the most awaited movie of the year, has proved it that it is worthwhile the wait.
According to sources, this third installment of the Dhoom franchise, starring Aamir Khan and Katrina Kaif went on to make 36.22 crores on Friday and the earnings were around 33.36 crores on Saturday. The latest is that the Box Office collections have already crossed the hundred crore marquee by the weekend.
Well seems like this movie is all set to break the records of ‘Chennai Express’ and ‘Krrish3’ as predicted. We know the cast and crew of Dhoom3 must be singing aloud ‘Dhoom Machale Dhoom’.