Diana Penty is ready to entertain us with the sequel of ‘Happy Bhag Jayegi‘ soon. A promo video regarding the trailer announcement dropped in just today. In the video, a milkman approaches Happy (Diana) and tells her that rumours are rife that ‘Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi.’
The ‘Cocktail’ actress herself shared the video on her Twitter handle. Diana wrote, “Main toh yahi hoon, phirr kaun si Happy bhagi? Let’s find out on 25th July… #KaunsiHappyBhagi #HappyPhirrBhagJayegi @sonakshisinha @mudassar_as_is @aanandlrai @alifazal9 @jimmysheirgill #PiyushMishra @jassi1gill @cypplofficial @ErosNow @krishikalulla.”
Check her tweet right here:
Main toh yahi hoon, phirr kaun si Happy bhagi? Let’s find out on 25th July… #KaunsiHappyBhagi #HappyPhirrBhagJayegi @sonakshisinha @mudassar_as_is @aanandlrai @alifazal9 @jimmysheirgill #PiyushMishra @jassi1gill @cypplofficial @ErosNow @krishikalulla pic.twitter.com/CLFpOChaeV
— Diana Penty (@DianaPenty) July 23, 2018
Along with Diana, actress Sonakshi Sinha, Jassie Gill, Ali Fazal, Jimmy Sheirgill and Piyush Mishra are also a part of the movie, which is also directed by Mudassar Aziz. The movie backed by Aanand L Rai and Krishika Lulla is set to release on August 24. While the first part was based in Pakistan, the second one is set in Bangkok. Earlier in an interview with Hindustan Times, Diana had mentioned that “Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi’ is going to be one crazy ride.”
Well, we are extremely excited about ‘Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi’ as it has a new addition to the star cast and changes to the storyline.
Also Read: ‘Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi’: Sonakshi Sinha turns a truck driver