Veteran actor Dilip Kumar, who is under treatment at Mumbai’s Lilavati hospital and was heading towards a critical condition, is now doing better. His condition is improving and he is coming back to being normal gradually.
“Dilip Kumar is stable, comfortable and steadily improving and all his parameters are also improving. He is slowly coming back to normal. Creatinine level has also been coming down. He is passing urine, he is not on ventilator, he is not on dialysis either and he is doing well. Dilip Kumar is still in ICU because there we can monitor him in a much better way. It’s very difficult to say when he will be get discharg but it will take some more time,” the hospital’s official statement read. (Also Read: The cutest! Dilip Kumar wears clothes of wife Saira Banu’s choice and loves it)
Since past two days, the thespian’s health was on a downfall as creatinine level in his body rapidly went up, along with potassium levels falling down. At one point, doctors even wondered if he would need a dialysis. There wee also rumours that he has been shifted to ventilation. Dr. Jalil Parker, who is responding to the media, on behalf of the doctors’ team, however dismissed rumours.
Dilip Kumar was admitted to Lilavati hospital on 2nd August, Wednesday with Kidney dysfunction, urinary tract infection and dehydration. Owing to age, complications were building up and fans across the country were praying for his speedy recovery.
Through the past days, his wife Saira Banu has been a constant companion at the hospital.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.