The 95-year-old veteran actor, Dilip Kumar was admitted to a hospital again on Sunday i.e October 7. Dilip Kumar’s family friend Farooq Farooqui has been sharing the news with Kumar’s fans on social media.
The actor, who was admitted to the hospital last month due to recurrent pneumonia, is yet again hospitalized because of the same ailment. Recurrent pneumonia is defined as 3 or more episodes of pneumonia in a lifetime which occurs in a six-month period. The most common symptoms of this ailment are coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, and chest discomfort.
Kumar’s family friend Farooq tweeted to give us an update on the health condition of Dilip Kumar. He captioned the tweet as, “Want to inform you @TheDilipKumar has been admitted to hospital last night. He’s being treated for recurrent pneumonia. Praying…will keep you updated on Twitter. –FF (@faisalMouthshut).”
Want to inform you @TheDilipKumar has been admitted to hospital last night. He’s being treated for recurrent pneumonia. Praying…will keep you updated on twitter. –FF (@faisalMouthshut)
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) October 8, 2018
Dilip Kumar shares a very special bond with wife Saira Banu. The veteran actress expresses her opinion on Twitter through Dilip Kumar’s handle. Kumar is best known as the tragedy king of Bollywood. He is one of India’s most iconic actors, who has delivered blockbusters like ‘Kohinoor’, ‘Mughal-e-Azam’, ‘Shakti’, ‘Naya Daur’ and ‘Ram Aur Shyam’. His last film was ‘Qila’, a 1998 film.
Also Read:Veteran actor Dilip Kumar diagnosed with pneumonia; confirms wife Saira Banu
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