Veteran actor Dilip Kumar was rushed to hospital once again after he complained of breathlessness. The Mughal-e-Azam actor’s family friend Faisal Farooqui has now shared his health update and also thanked the actor’s fans and followers for their love and prayers. Faisal revealed that Dilip Kumar has been admitted to hospital to address the age related issues faced by him off late.
Taking to the Kumar’s official Twitter handle, Faisal sharing the veteran actor’s health update tweeted, “Dilip Saab has been admitted to Hinduja Hospital, Khar to address medical issues related to illness which are frequently expected in a 98 year old. Your love and prayers are truly appreciated by Saab- Faisal Farooqui(sic).”
As per PTI report, Dilip Kumar is currently doing fine. Talking about the veteran actor’s health a hospital insider told the news agency, “He was admitted yesterday during the day due to breathlessness. Given his age and recent hospitalisation, the family decided to take him to the hospital as a precautionary measure. He is fine. He is in the ICU so that the doctors can monitor him.”
Back on June 6, the veteran actor was hospitalized when he had complained of breathlessness. He had then underwent a pleural aspiration procedure. The actor was later discharged on June 11.
Over the last few years, Dilip Kumar’s health has been a constant source of worry for his wife Saira Banu. The veteran actress has devoted all her time to be by her husband’s side and take care of his health.
Also Read: Veteran actor Dilip Kumar rushed to hospital again due to breathlessness; deets inside
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