Actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh has been winning hearts with his concerts and housefull shows. Recently, the actor found himself in hot waters of controversy after he spelled Punjab as ‘Panjab’ in a post announcing his Chandigarh concert. Many X users pointed out that the spelling is mostly used by the Pakistani side of the region. Not only this, some fans also noticed that the singer missed adding the Indian Tricolour emoji in the post. Now, the singer has finally addressed the ‘conspiracy theory’ in his tweet.
Diljit Dosanjh on Panjab spelling controversy
In his latest tweet, the singer clapped back at such speculation while sharing a screenshot of his earlier post. He wrote, “PANJAB, kisi Ek tweet mein agar PANJAB ke saath India flag mention reh Gaya toh conspiracy. Bengaluru ke tweet mein bhi ek jagah reh Gaya tha mention karna. Agar Punjab ko PANJAB likha toh conspiracy. PANJAB ko chaahe PUNJAB likho PANJAB WILL BE PANJAB (If I forgot to mention the India flag with Panjab in one tweet, then you create a conspiracy. I missed mentioning it even in a Bengaluru tweet. If I write Punjab as Panjab, then conspiracy).”
He added, “Panj Aab – meaning Five Rivers…Hats off to those who are using foreigners’ language (English) to push conspiracy theories. In the future, I will write PANJAB in Punjabi, as in Gurumukhi. You guys won’t stop I know. So keep going. How many times do we have to prove that we love India? Do something new or have you been given a task to create conspiracies around me?”
ਪੰਜਾਬ 🇮🇳
— DILJIT DOSANJH (@diljitdosanjh) December 16, 2024
Kisi ek Tweet Mai Agar ਪੰਜਾਬ ke Saath 🇮🇳 Flag Mention Reh Gaya Toh Conspiracy
BENGALURU ke Tweet Mai bhi Ek Jagha Reh Gaya Thaa Mention Karna..
Agar ਪੰਜਾਬ Ko PANJAB Likha toh Conspiracy
PANJAB Ko Chaye PUNJAB likho..
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਪੰਜਾਬ Hee Rehna 😇
Panj Aab – 5 Rivers…
A fan supported Diljit, urging him not to feel the need to explain himself, as his fans stand firmly by his side. Responding to the tweet, Diljit clarified why he chose to respond, writing, “Na.. Bother Shother ni karda Mai Eh Vaar vaar Tweets kar ke Jhoothi gal nu v Sach bana dende aa Tan counter karna zaruri aa (I don’t bother about these things, but repeatedly tweeting false claims makes them seem true, so it’s necessary to counter them).”
Diljit upcoming movies
On the professional front, Diljit is nearing the end of his Dil-Luminati India tour, with a performance scheduled in Mumbai on December 19. The tour will wrap up on December 29 with a grand concert in Guwahati. Talking about movies, he is expected to be seen in No Entry 2 and Border 2.