Diljit Dosanjh has finally joined the list of Bollywood celebrities who have their wax statues at Madame Tussauds in New Delhi. Having a wax statue at Madame Tussauds is a big achievement and Diljit has become the first Sikh Bollywood singer whose wax statue will be installed on February 28. The news has been confirmed by ‘Udta Punjab’ actor and Madame Tussauds’ social media handles.
The moment Diljit shared the news on social media, his fans started wishing him with congratulatory messages. According to reports, the wax statue of Dosanjh will be placed this Thursday (February 28). He will join a host of other national and international celebrities at the attraction which includes Virat Kohli, David Beckham and Sachin Tendulkar.
Take a look below:
Announcing the news on social media, Diljit had earlier said, “Finally yeh din bhi aa gaya Madame Tussauds Delhi.” The singer has found popularity in Indian showbiz with his versatile roles in movies such as ‘Udta Punjab’, ‘Phillauri’ and ‘Soorma’.
“An actor is more than his ethnicity and his religion. A filmmaker, a director has to be convinced and should be able to envision someone in a role, regardless of Sikh or not Sikh, if the filmmaker feels you suit the role, then that’s perfect,” Diljit had earlier told IANS.
It is to be noted that he is among the Bollywood stars who had come forward to donate Rs. 3 lakh to the wives of CRPF martyrs of Pulwama attack, which took place on February 14. Diljit took to his Instagram handle to share a screenshot of his donation receipt to the CRPF Wives Welfare Association. He also paid his condolences for the martyrs and the families who have been going through a hard time.
On the work front, later this year, Diljit Dosanjh will next be seen in ‘Good News’ which also features Kareena Kapoor Khan, Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani. ‘Good News’ is scheduled to hit the theatres on September 6, 2019.
Also Read: After Big B and Salman, Diljit Dosanjh donates Rs 3 lakh for CRPF martyrs
Omair Iqbal is a journalist who loves to discover new things on the internet. He is an enthusiastic movie lover.
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