Disha Patani recently launched her app. She is making her presence felt in Bollywood and has worked in international film industry too by starring in Jackie Chan-starrer, ‘Kung Fu Yoga’. But she is quite new to the industry and when we say new, we also mean that she is going to have a good competition from the starkids, who are all set to make their Bollywood debut soon.
Sridevi’s daughter Jhanvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s daughter Sara Ali Khan are set to be her immediate competition as they would be venturing in Bollywood soon. But rather than considering them as competitors, Disha is all praise for them. At a recent event, Disha said that she admires them a lot. She said, “I like Jhanvi’s outfits. I think she’s very inspired by her mother. But they both are very beautiful, so I dunno.”
When further asked if she would like to give them any tips considering that she is a little bit senior to them, she said, “No no, please give me tips. I mean, they are very cool because I remember when I was their age, I was so stupid. They are also very smart, I was so dumb (laughs). I was so dumb when I was young so I think it’s very cool that they are so aware and know everything. I really appreciate them.”
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.