Dj-turned-actor Siddhant Kapoor, who also happens to be the son of senior Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor & brother of Bollywood’s pretty diva Shraddha Kapoor, has recently split with his long-time girlfriend Erica Packard. The former couple had exchanged rings in August 2014 and had been staying together as well. However, things somehow went wrong and they decided to split around two months ago.


Reportedly, Siddhant’s family got along pretty well with Erica. “Marriage was also on the cards, but it seems something went terribly wrong between them. Siddhanth has been upset and disturbed since the break-up,” – said a source, as reported by a leading portal.

However, Siddhant didn’t want to comment about it to the press and requested to keep it a private affair.


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