On Thursday, actor Shah Rukh Khan tweeted that he was away shooting and had been told his call time would happen a bit later. During that free time, he decided to conduct #AskSRK on his Twitter with his fans. While he was busy replying to his fans, Rajkummar Hirani seemed to be waiting for him. But do you know for what? Well, he was waiting for Shah Rukh Khan because he wanted to show him the trailer of Dunki. That’s right.
Quoting his tweet, the director Rajkumar tweeted, “Sirji ab bathroom se bahar aa jao. Kya kar rahe ho? Trailer dikhana hain. #AskSRK” Shah Rukh Khan then responded to it by saying, “Oh Sh#%. Coming sir…doston se baat kar raha tha!!! Sorry boys and girls have to rush now. Varna #Dunki se nikaal denge!!! Thanks for ur time boys and girls. See u in the theatres very very soon. Love u all. So much to do less time to talk to you….Muah.” Well, we wonder if we are going to be treated with the Dunki trailer soon.
During the same session, A fan told him, “@iamsrk sir #jawan_2 winter main rakhoge please, nhi to garmi main bandise pehenke bohut taqlif hoga.” SRK tweeted, “Sardi me #Dunki dekh lena bhaiyon.”
Shah Rukh Khan on Tiger 3
Today, Salman Khan released a promo of Tiger 3 which is ‘Tiger ka message’ and fans went wild. Fans were all pumped after seeing Salman in Tiger 3. However, some fans were even busy looking for Shah Rukh in the small teaser. On the same note, a fan even asked him, “Tiger 3 me app interval k baad ya interval k pehele aoge.” He replied, “One of my favourites too Devdas. Happy she liked it.”
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan and Rajkummar Hirani are teaming up for Dunki for the first time. It is the most awaited movie as it brings two prolific people together. The movie also stars Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani and Satish Shah.
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