Bollywood’s most famous family the Chopra’s youngest son has made his father Yash Chopra proud. The actor turned producer is at present participating in the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. As Grace Of Monaco opened the prestigious 67th Cannes Film Festival 2014, actor Uday Chopra, who is one of the producer of the film, got emotional.
As per sources, Uday Chopra’s film was received with a standing ovation and the Chopra boy missed his father, director Yash Chopra, who passed away in 2012 after suffering from dengue.
Uday even posted about the same on a micro-blogging site.
Grace Of Monaco gets a standing ovation at the Cannes Festival @FdC_officiel Wish my father was there to see.
— Uday Chopra (@udaychopra) May 15, 2014
Indeed a proud moment for Yash Raj Films.