The bond shared between actor Emraan Hashmi and his song Ayaan is known to everyone. The actor was joined by Ayaan on the ramp at the ongoing Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) Winter-Festive 2016 where the duo walked for the brand Diesel. Looking adorable and cute Ayaan is just six-year-old and what comes as a surprise is that he has already decided what he wants to do when gets older. No prices for guessing, he wants to follow his father’s footsteps and be an actor.
After the fashion show, Emraan who had an interaction with the media persons shared this ambition of his son. Talking to an agency when asked if Ayaan is already an actor in the making, Emraan said, “He has already decided to be an actor. I don’t impose my ambitions on my son. He can be a doctor, an officer or a scientist or whatever he chooses to be.”
“He, for some reason, has kind of understood what I do for a living. He didn’t earlier understand the concept of shooting. He first thought it was about shooting with a gun. Then he got more confused when I took him for a film shooting, and I had a gun in my hand for a particular action scene. So now he is trying to connect to it, but yes, he wants to become an actor… I think he is already working towards it,” added the actor.
Ayaan is a cancer survivor, whose treatment and the struggle he and his family went through was beautifully expressed in a book titled ‘The Kiss of Life: How A Superhero and My Son Defeated Cancer’ penned by Emraan and author Bilal Siddiqi.
Emraan Hashmi felt very special to be a part of this grand fashion event gala as it was his first time walking on a ramp but what made it even more memorable was the fact that he was accompanied by his son.
Bravo! we must say.
Also Check: Poster of Emraan Hashmi’s ‘Captain Nawab’ is ‘inspired’ by a game’s poster
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.