Filmmaker Vikram Bhatt can be termed a veteran when it comes to Horror films. The director who has set a benchmark in this genre with many films started this journey in the year 2002 with Dino Morea and Bipasha Basu starrer ‘Raaz.’
The film turned out to be a huge success at the box office back then, the makers who received so much love from the audiences turned this into a successful franchise with two more films titled ‘Raaz: The Mystery Continues’ and ‘Raaz 3.’ So, keeping with the high standard of this series every time the fourth installment is ready to roll.
Recently, director Vikram Bhatt began shooting for the movie which is titled ‘Raaz Reboot’ in Sinaia, Romania.
Mahesh Bhatt who has been a creative head and presenter for the entire ‘Raaz’ series shared this good news through a video taken by him during the shoot. He posted:
Lights! Camera!Action! RAAZ 4 rolls in Sinaia Romania. #raazinromania — — Sent by WhatsApp
— Mahesh Bhatt (@MaheshNBhatt) January 16, 2016
The film stars Emraan Hashmi making his third appearance in the series with a popular actress down south Kriti Kharbanda making her debut in Hindi films with this project. ‘Raaz Reboot’ is tentatively slated for a release in the month of July, 2016.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.
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