Bollywood’s dashing star Emraan Hashmi will soon be seen on big screen in Mohit Suri’s Humari Adhuri Kahani. The actor is also busy with preparations of his up-coming film, ‘Azhar’, a biopic, based on life of former Indian cricketer Mohammad Azharuddin. Recently he was heard praising his cousin Alia Bhatt. Emraan was impressed with the way Alia Bhatt’s filmy career is shaping up.

Emraan said, “Alia has done good work and accomplished a lot for herself. She has got a bright career in front of her, she has grown over these past three years. Alia was upset that I had not seen ‘Student of the Year’ so then I got the DVD and saw the film and congratulated her on it. I saw ‘2 States’ on a flight even in that she was very good.”


Emraan further added, “I can only work with her as a brother…any other thing would make me sick. I can’t romance my cousin and I don’t think anyone has done that, it would be awkward.”